(+237) 666402327 admin@ccreadcameroon.org


Centre for Community Regeneration and Development is made up of the following organs:

  • Executive Board

The Board is currently made up of 10 members who are professionals from different fields. They meet twice a year and their primary function is to provide directives and institute an operational framework best essay writers which directs the elaboration of strategic actions of the organization. Another complementary function of the Board is to assess the effectiveness of the organization and direct control of the management.

  • General Assembly of members

The general assembly is made up of all registered members of the organization who meet once every year. They come together in groups from different regions and provide inputs and perspectives into the work and functioning of the organization. At the moment, there are 58 active members of the organization coming from Cameroon, Africa, Europe, Asia and other parts of the world. Becoming a member simply takes completing the membership form and sending it back to admin@ccreadcameroon.org and you will get a response within 48 hours.

  • The Coordination Unit

This is the organ in charge of the daily planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of different projects and programs. The coordination unit is headed by an Executive Director who is also the staff representative in the Board. It is made up of a permanent secretariat, two coordination field offices, contracted staff, consultants, volunteers and interns who assist in the coordination of community driven projects and programs.

Forms and documents (Uploads)

  • Governance and operations policy framework
  • Membership application form
  • Volunteer application forms
  • Organizational chart

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