(+237) 666402327 admin@ccreadcameroon.org


GEORGIANA KONGWE EFANDE is a female born at PAMOL NDIAN  ESTATE on the 20th of October  1988.she holds a bachelor degree in curriculum studies and teaching from the university of Buea. She worked as a primary teacher with the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) from 2014-2017.she has served  as a volunteer with Center for Community Regeneration and development (CCREAD) Cameroon from  May 2017 and has gained skills and experience in project implementation specifically in the domains of agriculture, forest conservation,  food security , entrepreneurship(aesthetics) campaign against Gender based violence and promotion of sexual and reproductive health rights especially for women and young girls. Her area of interest is focused on community development in its entirety. She finds delight in advocating against Gender Based Violence where women and young girls are the vulnerable. She is presently the outreach officer at CCREAD Cameroon.

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