Currently, Centre for Community Regeneration and Development is accepting applications from local and international volunteers willing to serve in at least 2 of the following areas of interest;
- Village and community Development Planning: CCREAD-Cameroon needs additional hands to organize meetings with village people to identify their problems, and design an action plan on how to solve the pressing problems of the local people
- Computer training and Vocational skills for children, youths and women: Here volunteers as individuals or in groups can organize computer classes for children through schools and during holidays, train women and adults on computer application, leadership and entrepreneurship for youths/women
- Human rights education and advocacy/Civic education: This is another area which needs many international volunteers who teach human rights in schools; organize community base and regional human rights educational and advocacy workshops. There are over 30 schools registered with us which needs human rights educators and civic education for youths.
- Leadership and governance education through schools
- Family planning in rural villages and through schools
- Fundraising; searching for grants and other funding sources to support CCREAD’s many activities and finding donors for the sponsorship program.
- Environmental education in secondary schools: To prepare materials and organize lecture sessions in schools on top environmental management issues
- Peer Education: Setting up and running peer education workshops with young people around the South West Region and conducting follow-up to make sure that the participants are passing on their newly-acquired information.
- Community sports: For development, conveying the message of HIV/AIDS and PMCTCTs while addressing other important social issues through sports.
- Livelihood Project: Working on behalf of villagers to get needed advice from experts, helping to find new ways for villagers to supplement their incomes and fundraising to help get their projects started.
- For highly professional volunteers, You can apply to serve as a program or specific project coordinator/Associate while a volunteer is also free to apply as a fundraising Manager , Click CCREAD-Cameroon-Volunteer-Application-form-new . Fill and send via