With the advent of the global pandemic; covid19, added to the socio political crisis that has been ongoing in Cameroon for the past three years, life has not been easy for some inhabitants. Affording basic necessities is not an easy task for most families, since a majority of them lack income generating activities. Given that periods don’t stop during crises, the incidence of this is mostly felt by adolescent girls and young women; they cannot afford appropriate menstrual hygiene management materials. And as a result of this vulnerability, they become exposed to urinary tract infections, sexual abuse and prostitution which increase the rate of sexually transmitted diseases. It is as a result of this that CCREAD-Cameroon saw the need of visiting the Mombo community in the Littoral region which also hosts IDPs from the restive North West and South West regions. This visit was aimed at distributing reusable sanitary napkins amongst other items. A total of about 1200 women received reusable sanitary napkins and were given lectures on how to effectively use them. This will help adolescent girls and young women in that community to enhance their menstrual hygiene management practices. Hence a reduction in the ills associated to lack of proper menstrual hygiene management materials and it also contributes to sustainable development goal 3 which is good health and well being to be fully achieved by all nations by 2030.
CCREAD-Cameroon Visits The Mombo Community In The Littoral Region Which Also Hosts IDPs From The Restive North West And South West Regions.
by admin | Aug 11, 2020 | Pandemic | 0 comments

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